Type-1 and singleton fuzzy logic system trained by a fast scaled conjugate gradient methods for dealing with binary classification problems
- Fuzzy logic system
- Classification
- Scaled conjugate gradient
Renan P. F. Amaral; Moisés V. Ribeiro; Eduardo P. de Aguiar
Neurocomputing - (2019)
Autonomous landing of UAV based on artificial neural network supervised by fuzzy logic
- Vision-based landing
João P. C. de Souza; André L. M. Marcato; Eduardo P. de Aguiar; Marco A. Jucá; Alexandre M. Teixeira
Journal of Control, Automation and Electrical Systems - (2019)
A new model to distinguish welds performed by short-circuit GMAW based on FRESH algorithm and MLP ANN
- Gas metal arc welding (GMAW)
- Shielding gas
- FRESH algorithm
Rafaela A. Campos; Renan P.F. Amaral; Nielson Soares; Leonardo G. da Fonseca; Moisés L. L. Júnior; Eduardo P. de Aguiar
Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering - (2019)
An enhanced aircraft engine gas path diagnostic method based on upper and lower singleton type-2 fuzzy logic system
- Aeronautical gas turbine
- Fuzzy logic system
- Fault
Pedro H. S. Calderano; Mateus G. C. Ribeiro; Renan P. F. Amaral; Marley M. B. R. Vellasco; Ricardo Tanscheit; Eduardo P. de Aguiar
Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering - (2019)
Da (Im)previsibilidade do futebol sob a ótica da distribuição de Poisson
- Processo de Poisson
- Previsão Estocástica
- Futebol
Eduardo R. C. Queiroz; Eduardo P. de Aguiar; Fernando L.C. Oliveira; Daniel de A. Fernandes
XXII Encontro Nacional de Modelagem Computacional; X Encontro de Ciências e Tecnologia de Materiais - (2019)
Type-2 fuzzy logic system applied to a temperature control of an electric oven
- Type-2 fuzzy logic system
- Type-1 fuzzy logic system
- Temperature Control
Leonardo A. Serapiao; Eduardo R. C. Queiroz; Alexandre B. dos Santos; Thiago V.N. Coelho; Daniel D. Silveira; Eduardo P. de Aguiar; MG Fora
14º Simpósio Brasileiro de Automação Inteligente - (2019)
Controlador MPPT baseado em Lógica Fuzzy Aplicado a um Sistema Fotovoltaico Conectadoa uma Rede
- Photovoltaic Systems
- Fuzzy Logic
- Power Eletronics
Arthur C. V. Pinto; Tiago H. S. Maria; Janaina G. Oliveira; Andre L. M. Marcato; Eduardo P. de Aguiar
14º Simpósio Brasileiro de Automação Inteligente - (2019)
Classification of Short Circuit GMA Welding using Type-1 and Singleton Fuzzy Logic System
- Short Circuit GMAW
- Fuzzy Logic System
- Gas Flow Rate
Rafaela A. Campos; Renan P. F. Amaral; Ivan F. M. de Menezes; Leonardo G. da Fonseca; Moisés L. Lagares; Eduardo P. de Aguiar
2018 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE) - (2018)
Detection and classification of faults in aeronautical gas turbine engine: a comparison between two fuzzy logic systems
- Aeronautical Gas Turbine
- Fuzzy Logic System
- Classification
Mateus G. de C. Ribeiro; Pedro H. S. Calderano; Renan P. F. Amaral; Ivan F. M. de Menezes; Ricardo Tanscheit; Marley M. B. R. Vellasco; Eduardo P. de Aguiar
2018 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE) - (2018)
An enhanced singleton type-2 fuzzy logic system for fault classification in a railroad switch machine
- Fuzzy logic system
- Height type-reduction
- Switch machine
Eduardo P. de Aguiar; Renan P. F. Amaral; Marley M. B. R. Vellasco; Moises V. Ribeiro
Electric Power Systems Research - (2018)
Predicting material backorders in inventory management using machine learning
- Supply Chain Management
- Inventory Planning and Control
- Imbalanced Learning
Rodrigo B. de Santis; Eduardo P. de Aguiar; Leonardo Goliatt
2017 IEEE Latin American Conference on Computational Intelligence (LA-CCI) - (2017)
Failure classification in electric switch machines using symbolic concepts and computational intelligence
- Computational intelligence
- Symbolic data analysis
- Failure classification
Nielson Soares; Eduardo P. de Aguiar; Leonardo Goliatt
Ibero-Latin American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering - (2017)
Classification of Faults in a Switch Machine Using Type-1 and Non-singleton Fuzzy Logic System Trained by Hestenes and Stiefel’s Conjugate Gradient Method
- Fuzzy Logic Systems
- Non-singleton
- Conjugate Gradient Method
Alexandre Q. Z. Bouhid; Renan P. F. Amaral; Leonardo G. da Fonseca; Eduardo P. de Aguiar
Ibero-Latin American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering - (2017)
An enhanced receiver for an impulsive UWB-based PLC system for low-bit rate applications
- Power line communication
- Impulsive ultra wideband modulation
- Reduced rank adaptive filter
Marlon L. G. Salmento; Eduardo P. de Aguiar; Ândrei Camponogara; Moisés V. Ribeiro
Digital Signal Processing - (2017)
Multi-criteria supplier selection using fuzzy analytic hierarchy process: case study from a Brazilian railway operator
- Supplier Selection
- Railway Maintenance
- Multi-criteria Decision Making
Rodrigo B. de Santis; Leonardo Golliat; Eduardo P. de Aguiar
Brazilian Journal of Operations & Production Management - (2017)
Computing derivatives in interval type-2 fuzzy logic systems trained by steepest descent method for fault classification in a switch machine
- Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Logic Systems
- Steepest Descent
- Fault Classification
Eduardo P. de Aguiar; Renan P.F. Amaral; Marley M.B.R. Vellasco; Moisés V. Ribeiro
2017 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE) - (2017)